Stage Master App Title
Now Available

New Way Of Making Live Music!

Pre-Order on the App Store
Pre-Order price 66% off £29.99
Release date 1st May 2021



Audience does NOT want to see a musician stuck behind a computer. Stage Master enables musicians to play songs prepared in DAW or home studio. You just need your iPhone or iPad to use Stage Master. 

Audio, Lyrics, Chords Together

Stage Master will keep your entire repertoire together. You can arrange your songs in playlists, arrange the song with song parts, sync the lyrics and chord with song parts.

Hands-FREE Playing

Because Stage Master knows your sound structure (preplanned sequence), you are free to play / sing / perform hands-FREE! Assign only one *ACTION* button or more to your MIDI/Bluetooth controller. Loop and improvise on the song. Stage Master will follow you.

Improvise On Stage

Stage Master enables you to improvise on your pre-sequenced samples and loop them on the fly! It combines the workflow of sequencers / loopers. Unlike rigid sequencers on the market, Stage Master provides incomparable flexibility. It enables you to perform without messing up the flow of the song.

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